So…What is SEO Exactly

SEO stands for search engine optimisation. This is a way for websites to get better positions on search engines like Google and Yahoo.  Search engine optimisation is a great thing for businesses to use so they can attract more customers to their site.  The more people who can visibly see your site, in theory, the more conversions and sales you can make! It is a good idea to take on the advice of a professional SEO agency, because it can get pretty technical.

Who Needs This

On the whole, most websites can benefit from a well structured SEO program.  The main target for SEO is business websites, however personal sites and blogs can also be optimised so they appear higher on search engines for related keyword phrases.  It depends on how much you want your site to be seen!

How SEO Can Benefit YOU

The main purpose of SEO is to make websites easier for search engines to “read” and then rank into the search results pages.  The process is made up of three key areas;

  • On-site SEO
  • Content marketing
  • Link building

If you use a combination of methods and strategies to hit all three of the main SEO areas, your site is likely to climb the rankings and eventually hit the coveted number one spot on Google!